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SIEB Teknik APS &
Celab Danmark A/S
Nyt interessant samarbejde løfter kompetenceniveauet inden for kritisk kommunikation i Danmark.
Sammen skaber de to virksomheder Danmarks skarpeste aktør inden for kritisk kommunikation og medarbejdersikkerhed for den offentlige og private sektor.
Oplev den nye MOTOTRBO R7 fra Motorola Solutions
Vi introducerer nu det nyeste skud på stammen fra Motorola Solutions, MOTOTRBO R7. Denne digitale håndradio er en funktionsrig og robust radio, med avanceret audioteknologi, der sikrer at du altid kan kommunikere højt og tydeligt.
Ready for the radio communication of the future
News from Motorola Solutions, Evolve LTE. Developed with the familiar user experience of the Android operating system, Evolve can be easily adapted to your existing systems and allows for a seamless transition for anyone who has used an Android smartphone or tablet. Evolve is ready to grow with your business. Read much more about the benefits here.
Supreme Pro Mil CC Slim Headset
Sordin PRO SLIM is special in its Slim-cup
design, the headset has Hear-through and
bulletproof protection. It is easy to carry and can be adapted to the individual, for the highest possible comfort. Connected to RSM via the robust nexus connector, secures radio communication under strong environmental influences. The microphones are waterproof and can be immersed in 1.0 meter of salt water for up to 30 minutes without losing level-dependent performance. Shielding of key components adds extra RFI protection.
The SINE Terminal of the future
The new Motorola MXP600 is specially designed for fire, rescue and police frontline personnel. It is a robust and lightweight TETRA radio that is user-friendly and easy to carry. The Motorola MXP600 has developed a compact, lightweight and fully portable TETRA radio that is easy to carry and use. It has innovative sound technology, so you can easily be heard and be heard in noisy situations ...
Supports a good cause
This year, here at SIEB Teknik, we have chosen to donate to charity. In this connection, we have supported one of our customers and picked up tickets for the Nordic region's largest summer country. We want to give them in the service of the good cause.
We have therefore found a purpose that is close to our hearts, namely the families in Trygfonden's Family House, which is located in Aarhus ...
Wireless internet for fleet management
New study from the National Police shows that the country's emergency services lack functionality in the SINE network in order to be fully operational.
The study, which was carried out by the National Police's Center for Emergency Preparedness (CFB), aimed to uncover how widespread the use of computer tools outside SINE ...